How to clean a flooded pool
Our thoughts are with the families in the greater Auckland region who have suffered losses and damages as a result of the flooding over the weekend.
It is our hope that you will be able to get everything sorted out and back to normal as soon as possible. Our team is more than happy to assist with your pool care needs. Check out these helpful tips to keep your pool safe when it has been exposed to floodwaters.
- Ensure that the pool house is watertight and that all electrical equipment is dry and not getting wet. Make sure that all equipment is safe and working properly.
- Check skimmer baskets are clear and remove waste.
- With excessive amounts of water running into the pool, use the excess water to regularly backwash sediment and unwanted debris out of the pool. This helps clear the filter of extra dirt. If you have a cartridge filter, be sure to rinse and clean it every day. Do not drop below the skimmer line and make sure the gully trap is not overflowing!
- When clear, start removing large visible debris from pool.
- Add 5 – 15 litres of chlorine (pool size dependent) to your pool in front of the return jets and leave pool filtering.
- Backwash every day.
- Salt and balancing chemicals are likely to be low since so much fresh water has gone into the pool, so bring a sample to your closest Paramount Pools for free advice.